About me

My Name is Sui Princess♡ aka. black-sui.
I live in Germany
I love japanese fashion especially with Swankiss ꒰๑❛▿❛ ॢ̩꒱.
I am in love with my husband he is from America, he seriously is the best in my whole life *Dream mode on*
My idols are
♡Saaya♡,♡Mimi♡,♡Hikapu♡ and ♡Suzunyan(◌ॢ•ω•◌ॢ).
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My 6th day in Japan: Part 2, Shinjuku

Hello princesses <3<3<3<3
sorry for not blogging for so long ;__;!!
I´m sooooo soooo sorry about that. 

I was very tired and busy in the last days ^^. 
But here my part 2 of my 6th day in Japan ^^.
After spending a few hours in Ikebukuro we went to Shinjuku to meet Diane and Kyoko. 

 At the train station I found this beautiful gal *_*!! She was soo friendly and we could take a photo together ^^. <3<3<3<3<3<33<3
 I was very happy, because we saw this girl in her Yukata^^ !! I was very happy about that^^ <3<3<3<3

 This is Kyoko, a beautiful Hime Gyaru. She wear the princess style every day . I was so happy to meet her with Diane's help.
Unfortunately she doesn´t speak english ;_; but Diane was our translator *hehe*
We had pasta and a dessert. I really love the ice cream in Japan *_*!!! Here is my icecream *_*!! It is pure love, really!!!!

 After eating we took some Puris. It was very funny ^^

After that we went shopping in Shinjuku *hehe*.
We visited La Pafait and Jesus Diamante in Marui One. I really love these stores!!! I even bought something in Jesus Diamante *_*!!!!!
We also took a photo with the staff member ^---^ <3<3<3 I´m so happy about that ^^
So this was my 6th day in Japan. Tomorrow I´ll show you my 7th day.
I´m back in Germany now and I´m so sad ;_; !! I really want to go back!!!

I could cry ;_;!
Ohhh yeah and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I announce the winner from my Giveaway ^^ !!! Sorry you had to wait so long :(

Okay ByeBye



  1. cute entry :)
    i really like your style always and your make up!
    hope you had fun and you came back to germany safety!
    hope you can go there soon again ^^

  2. love your shoes in the first photo! so nice that you get to meet these really nice gals :)

    by the way, do you wear extensions (and if so what do you wear xD) ? I'mt just curious 'cause your hair looks so full!

  3. cute gals^^
    aw,btw,answer on my mail as soon as possible <3 thnx)

  4. Ich kenne das Gefühl, in Deutschland anzukommen und sich einfach irgendwie absolut traurig zu fühlen. Das geht auch nicht so schnell weg. >__< Japan ist einfach zu schön.

  5. Im super happy you had a fun time in Japan & im glad to hear you made it back to Germany safely ^^
    You look so super cute in your outfit!

  6. Hey, I know that JD shop clerk! Her name is Fujiko, she used to do a lot of hair piece tutorials on her JD blog ^_^

  7. Thank you fro all you commets !!
    I´m sooo happy that you read my blog and write commets, really!!! <3<3<3
    So I answer your questions:
    @shinibana : It is a wig ^^. I bought it from Mbok with the help from a shopping service in Japan ^^.

  8. @shinibana: yes, thanks so much <3<3<3


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