Hello cuties <3<3<3
today I went to Süsseldorf with my honey.
Saturday is a Lolita Meetup and my honey wanted to rent something for his camera. ^---^
So we went to Düsseldorf in a camera shop ^^.
Originally we wanted to take some purikura, but noooooooo ... OCS was closed today.
They had an inventory.
So we went to the post office and then to to camera shop.
There I made a photo for you O.o!! so expensive O.o
Okay and we went to Takumi !!*yummmmy* I really love Takumi !!!!!
here is our food :
On the way back we saw a japanese guy. And he had an AWESOME style !
He was really friendly. I love his suitcase.
Ok my Outfit today : (very Liz Lisa style)
Skirt: Liz Lisa
shirt, shoes: Dream V
Headbow: JD
Bag: Angelic Pretty
Sorry Himegyarugeisha, I planned to make a puri for you but I couldn't ;__; !!!
I take some next time, when I'm in Düsseldorf
Bye Bye
SuiPrincess ^^
PPS : A cute pic from my kitty Himena, yesterday night she fell asleep in my arms *---* Awwwww